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Your Personal Balance Sheet
Millions of dollars in lifetime earnings will flow through your hands as a high income professional living in our contemporary times. The key question is: How many of those dollars will remain in your possession each year?
Most of us are financially disorganized. We have many accounts; various banking, insurance and investment vendors, student loans, mortgages, etc. Numerous factors combine to affect our financial status: the cost of living, inflation, taxes, illness, unexpected life events, etc. We need a way to put all our data together, to see it from a wide angle. A real time tool is needed, to give us strategic solutions and to suggest action steps, to improve our financial results.
That tool is the Guardian's Living Balance Sheet. This holistic software program tracks your Assets and Liabilities data, and also Cash Flow, and what Protection covers all three. It is a "Big Picture", intended to assist in implementing financial decisions, to do more with a client's existing resources.
This unique "Big Picture" approach, in my opinion, is one of the most significant new developments in financial planning. It puts together a complete financial picture. I can share it with my client families. It is a safe, secure way to monitor financial progress for the lifestyle and legacy you want to achieve. I am proud to be able to offer this concept, for it is not what goes through your hands that counts, it is what you keep that matters.